Mind Boggle Blog

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Meet a new mind - visit a blog site

Did anyone see the snippet about blogs from The Guardian (reported on in the SMH) the day of our Engageme orientation? Ordinarily I would have overlooked it, but having blogs on the mind, it jumped out at me. It described blogs as a place where anyone can set up their own 'mental space' for self-expression on the web and contained a couple of interesting facts and figures which may be of interest to you and your students. Here they are:

- A new blog is created every second
- According to the blog-tracking site Technorati more than 14.2 million blogs were created in July 05 - that's 80,000 per day

Quite fun to have these facts at hand when students are setting up their blogs...


At 3:12 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Dilys ! The statistics dont impress me but your postings certainly do. In fact i think of a blog as an information aggregator and network point - often technorati is looking at popular blogposts and not the most important part of the blogosphere - that it is the easiest amd most personable start to an online profile for young people cause' now you can block from you phone, from your landline and from any internet enabled device on the run! How are your student startups going ?


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